Public dialogue, done well, is a work of art, a thing of beauty no less impressive than a fine painting, sculpture or tapestry. A well-crafted dialogue is at its best when the audience becomes participants; the lectern fades and interaction…
Why Aren’t African Bees Collapsing?
Honeybee colonies are dying, about one-third of all hives globally each year, an enormous tragedy for bees and beekeepers alike. There’s not a single cause, but rather a congruence of interacting issues including pesticides, diseases and pests, among others. But…
The Book I Didn’t Write
I didn’t write a book a decade or so ago, titled Seeds at the time. It was going to be about, well, seeds. I had in mind a book that would cover topics such as the biology of seeds and…
A Long Farewell
A moment took me by surprise this afternoon, although I should have expected it. I am no longer the Director of SFU’s Semester in Dialogue. After 12 years, it was time to pass the torch. I’ve known this was coming…